Sunday 27 July 2014

Term 3 - We're Back!

It was lovely to see the Superstar Snakes back at school! 
We were excited to see our friends, share our holiday news, and start learning and having fun!
Look what we got up to this week...

Our story this week has been "Battle of the Mountains" - a Maori legend about 4 mountains who try to win Pihanga to be their bride. They have a battle and Tongariro wins.
We recreated the story by making volcanoes out of sand and using baking soda and vinegar to make them errupt! We had lots of fun and learned lots.

 This term we have a 'Dinosaur World' in our class - we have been learning about the different dinosaurs and what they looked like!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome experiment and some amazing art the colours... my favourite dinosaur is the Brontosaurus:):)
