Monday 4 August 2014

Cook Island Language Week

This week is Cook Island Language Week!
We are learning lots of new phrases. Every day we have a new challenge!

Monday's Challenge: To say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' in Te Reo Maori Kuki Airani.

Tuesday's Challenge: To say 'How are you?' and 'I am good!' to 5 teachers in Te Reo Maori Kuki Airani.

Wednesday's Challenge: To say 'My name is ....' to Mr Vasau!

Thursday's Challenge: To say 'I am in the Superstar Snakes!' 

Look at our amazing Cook Island dancing! 


  1. Kia Orana Super Star Snakes from Mr Siilata and all of the Roaring Spartans!! Nice video. Well done everyone!

  2. Wow excellent dancing super star snakes...meitaki!!!!

  3. You guys have the moves! Meitaki maata.

  4. Oh no! Mr Vasau has turned into a guinea pig...Meitaki Maata :)
